I've been a Youth Hostel Assistant, Waitress, Hotel Chambermaid, Undergraduate, Hospital Domestic, Market Researcher, Postgraduate, Historical Research Assistant, Application Programmer, Systems Analyst, Information Developer, User-Centered Design Practitioner, Postgraduate again, Copy-Editor, Proofreader, Volunteer at the New Forest Heritage Centre, and since May 2023 I have been a Wokingham Borough Councillor.
Along the way, I acquired the skills to make web sites. My web sites aren't very sophisticated, and to keep things simple, they all pretty much look like this now (a couple of them need a bit of work to make them responsive to different screen widths).
I also like cooking and have thousands of recipes in a recipe database. My major pastime is bead-weaving (with a needle and thread), but I haven't yet combined this with web-weaving, so I've just added a few lovely links, as well as the image in the top left corner of the page, which was beaded by me but designed by Lady Lunar Cat, a Ukrainian designer working in Ukraine.